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Finding The Right Lupus Bra

Springrose makes adaptive intimates for unstoppable women. Learn more >
22 Mar 2024

Lupus is a condition that impacts both the joints and skin. It’s no real surprise then, that a lupus bra, and lupus fashion in general, is important for comfort and day-to-day practicality.

We’re going to explore why a lupus bra is important and examine which features are key to finding the perfect match for you that offers both comfort and support.

lupus bra: a smiling woman

Understanding Lupus and Its Impact on Clothing

Lupus is a chronic and often painful autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation in various parts of the body, including the joints, skin, and organs. 

For those with lupus, symptoms such as joint pain, skin sensitivity, and fatigue can make everyday activities, including getting dressed, challenging.

When it comes to selecting clothing, including bras, those with lupus often choose to prioritize comfort and support to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with their condition. 

It’s vital to consider factors such as skin sensitivity, joint pain, and inflammation when exploring adaptive clothing.

What Is Adaptive Clothing?

Adaptive clothing is carefully designed with accessible features in mind. Its innovative designs make it a practical and adaptable choice for those with additional mobility or comfort needs. 

With many adaptive clothing options having adjustable straps, alternative closures and even materials that are suitable for sensitive skin, there are plenty of options out there to help simplify dressing routines.

Read more: Our guide to adaptive clothing that combines style and support.

Choosing the Right Lupus Bra

the springrose adaptive bra for lupus

When selecting a bra for lupus, comfort, support, and ease of wear are perhaps the most important features to look for.

Here are some other important design elements to keep in mind when choosing a lupus bra:

Soft, Non-Irritating Fabrics: Adaptive bras made from soft, breathable fabrics can be more gentle on sensitive skin and less likely to cause irritation or discomfort. 

Adjustable Straps and Closures: Choose bras with adjustable straps and closure options, allowing for a customizable fit that accommodates fluctuations in size and provides optimal support.

Some adaptive bras will have front adjusting shoulder straps. These make the process of achieving a perfect fit more comfortable and less time-consuming.

Wire-Free Design: Avoid bras with underwire, as these can put pressure on sensitive areas and cause more pain and discomfort. Instead, opt for wire-free bras with soft cups that offer gentle support without digging into the skin. 

If you’re concerned that wire-free designs won’t offer adequate support, look into adaptive bras with more stretchy materials, these will often be more firm in holding their shape.

Front-Closure or Velcro Fastening: Fastens are perhaps one of the most important features of adaptive bras. There are lots of different options available including magnets and zipper fastenings.

For lupus bras, consider bras with front-closure Velcro fastens. These make them easier to put on and take off, especially for those with limited mobility or joint pain in the shoulders, back or arms.

Most adaptive bras can be put on and taken off in several ways to suit physical limitations. Velcro closures often offer the most flexibility with this.

Moisture: For those who experience sweating and hot flashes due to lupus, moisture can be an important consideration. Some materials are better than others if it is a priority to keep skin dry and cool.

The Springrose Adaptive Lupus Bra

The Springrose Adaptive bra is specifically designed to suit those with limitations caused by mobility and chronic pain. 

Crafted in collaboration with more than 500 women, the bra offers comfort, functionality, and style for those with lupus. This innovative bra is front fastening, adjustable and most importantly, it looks and feels great.

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